Monday, September 15, 2008

Election '08: WTF?!

I was kind of looking forward to this year's elections. We have them every year in November, but it's only once every four years that we get to clean (the White) house and shake things up a little bit. Sort of...

Is it ever really any different though? Sure, there are differences of opinion on policies, be they foreign, domestic, or which side of the Oval Office the desk sits on. And let's not forget whether or not the First Pet will be a dog or a cat. For the last eight years, we have had Republican George W. Bush in office. Love him, hate him, or really, really hate him, at least we can say one thing about him. He was President. (Clever...) He was mistakenly sworn in for his first term in 2000 (technically '01...but nobody cares..) and had some seriously high ground to get to. (Did he say 'mistakenly sworn in?') I said he was "mistakenly sworn in" because unless you've lived under a rock (that's original) for the last eight years, you know that We the People actually gave our popular vote to the other guy. (The Global Warming guy, right?) Then, while elementary students were teaching W how to read, (Oh, nice...a shot at his intelligence...actually that was pretty good..) our Nation was unmercifully attacked. May all Souls taken during that horrible moment in American History rest in eternal Peace. (Except the terrorists of course. May their flesh continuously burn in the depths of Hell and Rotten Damnation.) In the face of the adversity from such a devastating event, our President rose up and tried to do our Country proud.

Everything changed after that. Cliche as it sounds, it's true. We awarded W's efforts with another four years of sitting in the Captain's chair. I didn't. I voted, once again, for the other guy. (The Ketchup guy, right?) I never liked George W. Bush. It wasn't a donkeys and elephants thing (What?!?!) with me either. I can't stand the way he appears to the People. If there is one thing the President of The United States should do, it is instill confidence in the People of the Nation. There's no way in Raging Hell I have confidence in a Leader who cannot pronounce words, or form sentences correctly. I just don't. I know some people are not great Public Speakers, but if you're one of those people, DON'T RUN FOR FUCKING PUBLIC OFFICE!! Some have said that Mr. Bush has a high IQ, and that he truly is an intelligent man. (Bullshit.) He has shown no one any reason to believe that.

His administration hasn't helped him any. Let's face it folks, if you think the Prez makes all the decisions in this Land of Freedom and Opportunity, then you are misguided. Since he sounds like a first class boob at the podium, it's easy to blame him specifically for something you don't like. That's why, in this year's Election (Holy Hell, he got back to the point!) it is a donkeys and elephants issue with me.

For the Donkeys this time around, we have Barack Obama.
He is the first Black man (shouldn't he write African American?) to be in such contention for the highest seat in the Land. His platform message seems simple enough; Change. It seems to appeal to the masses who are disappointed in current Republican leadership, no matter the specifics. He seems to be a decent public speaker, and even when he's off script, like in an interview, he carries himself well enough to answer the questions efficiently and informatively. He also chose for his running mate, Joe Biden. He's and old white guy (shouldn't he that's right.) who appears to ground the Obama campaign in terms of political validity. (WTF does he mean by that?!) All I really mean there, is that the political system here has been predominantly white male for, oh I don't know, EVER.

On the Elephant's side of the field, we find John McCain representing. The man was once a POW, and that alone garners him a lot of respect. I'm not voting for him, but I'll be Damned if I don't respect the man's efforts for Our Country. He has also been spouting off lately about how the country needs Change. He's doing all he can to catch up in the polls, those devilishly seductive devices that determine who's in more favor with the People. Change though? Wouldn't change actually be something different from what is currently available? Personally, I think he shoots himself square in the foot when he goes on about how the country needs change. Supporting your Party's decisions for eight years and then now turning tail and saying that Change is needed doesn't sit well with me. For his running mate, he chose (get ready for it...) Sarah Palin. (Wha?!?!?!) That's right folks, to quote one of the greatest philosophers of our time, "Oooh, it's a Lady!"
Why the Hell would he choose her?!?! There really are only two reasons. Shock and Awe. You see, before the Governor from Alaska (Alaska? Ha!) was chosen, it seemed clear the Obama ticket would front run the election right til the end. Obama is the picture of change. If some don't like his ideas (Like a proposed 12% tax increase to the richest Americans...wait a minute..did I just offer genuine information? Whoa....) you can't deny that he would seem the polar opposite of our current Administration. What McCain has done is successfully balance the choices. Do we get extreme and vote in a Young African American (ah, maybe Black Man works too...) Male President with an Old White Man as VP, or do we get just as extreme and vote in an Old White Male President with a Young White Female as VP.

Sarah Palin is not the best choice for VP when it comes down to anything beyond her looking good at podium point. (Great, now he's making up phrases...) Obama and Biden seem like they can both be functional pieces of our Capital Government. I'm sorry Sarah, but you do not seem to be anything more than dead weight for McCain. When asked about what sort of foreign policy experience she has, you know what she had the audacity to say? Seriously...she said that she could see Russia from her home. (AH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!) I can see Mars on a clear night from my driveway, so I guess I have Intergalactic Policy experience. Sweet. Now I'm not saying that she couldn't become a good politician, (isn't that really an oxymoron?) but right now she is not adding amount of credibility to McCain's Campaign. Many will throw up her laundry list of "experience" and to that I say, so what? Alaska runs itself. Over 60% of it is uninhabitable for God's sake! She hasn't reformed anything. She's taken her share of political bribes while running with a Candidate who wants to stop them. (Yeah, like that will ever happen...) A dear friend of mine has called Mrs. Palin the Antichrist. Seeing through her eyes, I totally get that. Seeing through my own, I'm not that harsh, but again, I understand the comparison made. Many people call her a MILF. (duh...what does that mean?) I say she looks more like a stripper. Seriously. When you see her march to a podium, all I can think of is her ripping off the suit coat to reveal nothing but stars and stripes pasties that shoot off red, white and blue fireworks (red and white from the top, blue from the daisy?). I don't want her to, but it looks like she just might every time!

Well, there it is. Who do you vote for? Does it matter to you? Will you get sucked in by the parasitic media coverage, and just choose who is ahead of the polls come election day? Please don't. It's not possible for you to side completely with each candidate's views, so don't try. Those that say they do are jaded by the political process and have no way of thinking for themselves. Find a candidate who supports something that will be good for you. That's why you get a vote. Comments are welcome, but let's remember that this is a blog post, and is not intended to provide news in any way. I know what I know, and that's what I type. (At least he didn't type 'It is what it is.' GOD I hate that phrase!)

1 comment:

Kidbilly said...

That's my boy. A well written and entertaining blog about the upcoming, I mean, election. Well written. I agree with you on more than a few points. Palin scares the bejesus out of me. She wants to go to war with Russia, cut any and all gay rights, she has no idea what the Bush Doctrine is and to say she has a lack of experience is the century's biggest monumental understatement. Wow. Well written my friend.