Sunday, March 8, 2009

I'm just going to say this....

I should never have clicked on it. I should have just scrolled down and not even paid any attention to it. I didn't. I clicked right on Chris Brown's name on the Google News, and I wish I never had. Does anybody not know what's going on with this grade A pussy? That's right Brown. I called you a pussy. You are one of the biggest pussies I have ever heard of, and I hope that you get your own ass kicked one day very soon.

So here's the deal. This asshole is apparently some kind of pop singer. I don't listen to pop music, so his potential in that category is meaningless to me. He's the boyfriend of Rihanna, little pop starlet who doesn't know how many syllables are in the word umbrella. Three by the way, Rihanna, three. But I don't have a problem with her here. Well, I do, but I'll get to her in a minute.

There was a report a while back putting Chris Brown involved with an assault, and the rumors were that it involved his girlfriend, Rihanna. Well, the rumor mill was full of truth it would seem, and Chris "Super Pussy" Brown did indeed assault Rihanna. While they were in a car. Because she didn't like a text message he got. While they were in the car. Apparently he punched her in the face several times, and bit her as she tried to fight back. She even feigned a call for help and he then told her that she made a "big mistake," and choked her at one point. Chris Brown, you are quite the tough guy. It makes me boil when I hear this now, and all I can think of is back when the story first came out and it was rumor. People were like, "so what if he did it, he sings great," and blah fucking blah. Why does anyone even consider giving a guy like this a pass? You're willing to accept the fact that he would beat up a woman because you like the way he sings??!!! I cannot believe anyone would support this scum bag and buy his records. Anyone defending him and citing his voice as a reason is just perpetuating the problem, and does nothing but tell this shit head, and any other pussy who hits women, that it's ok.

Now Rihanna, my sympathy goes out to you, but you are not much better in this scenario. Apparently you took him back! What the fuck is wrong with you?!?! All you've done now, is tell your tweeny bopping fans that it's cool to have a boyfriend who hits you. He will apologize to your liking when you face him with the possibility of jail, and the fairy tale "love" will go on. Fuck you, Rihanna. There's a huge problem with the way relationships are presented to the youth of this country. This will be old news in about 3 months, Asshole Brown will release an album of sappy love, and Rihanna will release an album saying how tough of a woman she is. Rihanna, to you I just hope you realize that taking him back is wrong, and you dump his ass faster than he can imagine. Then release an album about how strong you are. You might do an inkling of good that way. Chris Brown, you can just go fuck off. I hope some people sharpen their brains and never buy another thing you put out, and that when you fuck up and do something like this again, you do a very long stint of time. There's a seat in Hell for you, asshole.


parisienish said...

*slow clap*

Michele said...

Oh buddy....I love you. Great blog. I will, however, admit that I am a fan of Brown's MUSIC. I don't, however, condone what he did. Rihanna is a stupid b*tch for taking him back. And his career is screwed. Alas, I've never bought an album of his....just downloaded a few tunes in my time.

Proud? Hehehee...